Weight-Loss Exercise Plan For Female  

Must Try

Dietitian /Instagram: @emanutrition
Weight loss exercise is part of healthy loss weight plan. To lose weight with exercise, you will need to create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. One way to do this is by performing cardio exercises, such as running, cycling, or swimming, which can help you burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Additionally, strength training exercises such as weightlifting can help increase muscle mass, which can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories at rest.
Fat burning workout is important for women. It is also important to have a healthy diet plan in parallel. A diet high in protein, whole grains, and vegetables can help you feel full and satisfied while also providing essential nutrients.

Weight Loss Exercise Day And Duration

The key to weight loss exercise is to make it consistent and progressive, gradually increasing the intensity, frequency and duration of your workouts as you become more fit. Weight loss exercise is also important to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week, and 2 or more days a week of muscle-strengthening activities.

Weight Loss Exercise Difference Between Man and Women 

The difference between male and female workouts typically relates to differences in muscle mass, body composition, and hormonal differences. Muscle gain workout plan is different for everyone.

In general, men have more muscle mass and a higher percentage of lean muscle tissue, which allows them to lift heavier weights and build more muscle mass. Women, on the other hand, tend to have less muscle mass and a higher percentage of body fat. This means that women may need to focus more on resistance training with lighter weights and higher reps to build muscle and tone.

Hormones also play a role in muscle growth and recovery for both men and women. Testosterone is a primary muscle-building hormone for men, while women have less testosterone, which means that muscle growth may be slower for women. However, women naturally produce more estrogen, which can be beneficial for overall health and injury recovery.

Additionally, women may have different fitness goals than men, such as body toning, weight loss, or cardio fitness. Therefore, female workout plans may be tailore to these specific goals.

This is important to note that every individual is different, and what works for one person may not work for another one. It’s always a good idea to consult a professional to set up a workout plan that suits your individual needs and goals.

Pre-Workout Stretching 

Before you begin a workout, there are a few things you should do to prepare your body and mind for exercise. Some recommended pre-workout stretching steps include:


A warm-up is an important step before any physical activity. It helps prepare your body for the workout by increasing blood flow to your muscles, which can reduce your risk of injury. A simple warm-up could include a few minutes of light cardio, such as jogging in place or jumping jacks.


Stretching helps improve flexibility and mobility, which can enhance your performance during your workout. It’s best to hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds and to do it gently and slowly.

Fuel up:

Eat a light meal or snack before working out, especially if your workout will be intense or long. This will provide you with energy to perform at your best. If you need pre-workout meal or pre-workout snack you can click here!


Drinking water before, after and during your workout is essential. Being dehydrate can affect your performance, so be sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

Mental Preparation:

Putting yourself in the right mindset before working out can help you have a better workout. Setting some goals and visualizing yourself achieving them can help increase motivation.

It’s important to note that the pre-workout routine will vary depending on the type of workout. In any case, it is advisable to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

7-Day Workout Plan For Female

Monday: Leg Day

Leg day is a workout that focuses on exercises that target the muscles in the legs, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. It’s a good idea to give yourself enough rest between sets and between exercises to allow the muscle to recover and to avoid injury. Also, it’s recommend to do leg day workout once a week, and give yourself enough time to rest between leg days.


  • 3×10 Goblet Squat
  • 3x 10 Stationary Lunge
  • 4X8 reps Deadlift


  • 3×12 reps Squat press


  • 3×15 reps frog glute bridge

Tuesday: Full Body

A full-body workout is a type of exercise routine that targets all major muscle groups in the body during a single workout session. This can include exercises that work the chest, back, arms, legs, and core muscles. The main goal is to provide an overall workout that improves overall strength, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle tone.
  • 4×8 dumbell squat
  • 3×10 Stationary lunge to press (each side)


  • 3×10 Dumbell RDL to row
  • 3×12 Tricep extension to chest fly
  • 3×8 Bent knee to taps (each side)

It is important to use proper form and start with a weight that is appropriate for your fitness level. As you get stronger, you can gradually increase the weight to continue challenging your muscles.

Wednesday: Upper Body (Arms+Shoulders)

An upper body workout is a type of exercise routine that targets the muscles in the upper body, such as the chest, shoulders, back, and arms. The goal of an upper body workout is to improve overall upper body strength and muscle tone.


  • 4×8 Alternating lateral raise
  • 4×8 static hold hammer curl


  • 10×3 tricep kickback
  • 10×3 standing shoulder press


  • 3×10 upright row

Shoulder exercises are a type of upper body workout that target the muscles in the shoulders, specifically the deltoids. The deltoids are made up of three muscle heads: the anterior (front), medial (middle), and posterior (rear) deltoids. A shoulder workout is design to strengthen and tone these muscles, which can improve overall upper body strength, stability, and aesthetics.

Thursday: Glutes 

A glutes workout is a type of exercise routine that targets the muscles in the glutes, also known as the buttocks. The glutes are made up of three muscles in our body: gluteus minimus, the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius. A glutes workout is designe to strengthen and tone these muscles, which can improve overall lower body strength, stability, and aesthetics.
  • 10 suma pause square (2 second pause)
  • 10 dumbell pull through
  • 10 assisted leg RDL
  • 10 dumbell box squats
  • 4×8 reps hip thrust

Friday: Full Body

  • 3×10 reps sumo deadlift to squat
  • 3×10 reps lateral raise to crossbody front raise
  • 3×15 reps squats
  • 4×10 reps alternating shoulder press
  • 4×10 reps single dumbell curl

Saturday: Upper Body (Abs + Arms)

An abs exercise is a type of physical exercise that specifically targets the abdominal muscles, which are located in the front and sides of the torso. Examples of abs exercises include crunches, sit-ups, and leg raises. These exercises can be performe using bodyweight or with the aid of equipment such as an exercise ball or weightlifting machine.
  • 10×4 alternating bicep curl
  • 12×4 tricep kickback
  • 12×3 side plank reach
  • 12×3 high plank alt toe touch


  • 3×10 reps lying tricep extension

Sunday: Rest 

A rest day is a day when you take a break from your regular workout routine. During a rest day, it’s important to allow your muscles time to recover and rebuild. This is particularly important when you are working out frequently, as overtraining can lead to injury and burnout. On rest days, you can do low-impact activities like yoga, stretching, or light cardio. It’s also important to get adequate sleep and nutrition, as these factors play a crucial role in muscle recovery and growth.

Why Rest Days Are So Important? 

Rest days are important for a few reasons:

  1. Muscle recovery: When you workout, you put stress on your muscles, which causes tiny tears in the muscle fibers. These tears need time to heal, which is why rest days are important. Without adequate recovery time, your muscles will not have a chance to rebuild, which can lead to injury and a decrease in performance.
  2. Preventing burnout: Overtraining can lead to a decrease in motivation, fatigue, and a decrease in performance. Taking rest days allows your body and mind to recover and come back stronger.
  3. Improving performance: When you give your muscles time to recover, they will come back stronger and able to perform better.
  4. Reducing the risk of injury: Overuse of the same muscles can lead to injury. Taking rest days can help to reduce the risk of injury by allowing muscles to recover.
  5. Improving mental health: Regular exercise is important for mental health, but so is taking rest days. It allows your mind to recover and can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Post-Workout Stretching 

Stretching after a workout is important to help the muscles return to their normal length and flexibility. It can also help reduce muscle pain. It is best to do static stretching, where you hold a stretch for 20-30 seconds without bouncing. This is also good to stretch all major muscle groups that you have worked during the workout. Don’t skip post-workout meal.

Here is a basic post-workout stretching plan:

Hamstring stretch:

Sit on the floor and stretch your legs straight forward. Lean forward and try to touch your toes. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Quad stretch:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend one knee and bring your heel towards your buttocks. Hold onto your ankle with your hand and pull it towards your buttocks. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Chest stretch:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Stand tall Raise your arms as high as you can while clasping your hands behind your back. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Tricep stretch:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bring one arm up overhead and bend the elbow. Use your other arm to pull the elbow towards your head. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Shoulder stretch:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bring one arm across your chest. Use your other arm to pull the elbow towards your chest. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Lower back stretch:

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Bring your right knee up towards your chest and hold it with both hands. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

It is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard when stretching. It is also good to hold each stretch for at least 20-30 seconds and repeat each stretch 2-3 times.

Why Is Exercise Important For Weight Loss?

In this paragraph, you will read about the effect of exercise on weight loss.Weight loss exercise is important because it helps to increase the number of calories burned and can help to change body composition. When you exercise, you burn calories, which can help to create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss. Additionally, exercise can help to increase muscle mass, which can boost metabolism and help to burn more calories even when you are at rest. Exercise can also help to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for unhealthy foods. Furthermore, regular exercise can improve mood and self-esteem, which can make it easier to stick to a healthy diet and make healthier choices.

It’s worth noting that for weight loss, a combination of healthy diet and regular exercise is most effective. Exercise alone may not cause significant weight loss, but it can help to tone and shape the body, and improve overall health and well-being.

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Create Your Own Workout Plan

Leg Exercises 
  1. Classic Squats: This exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. It can be performe using a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  2. Deadlifts: This exercise targets the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. It can be performe using a barbell or dumbbells.
  3. Lunges: This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It can be performe using a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  4. Leg press: This exercise targets the quadriceps and glutes. It can be performe using a weightlifting machine.
  5. Calf raises: This exercise targets the calf muscles. It can be performe using a weightlifting machine or just bodyweight.
  6. Leg extension and leg curl: These exercises target the quadriceps and hamstrings, respectively. They can be performe using a weightlifting machine.
Full Body Exercises
  1. Squats: This exercise targets the quadriceps. It can be performed using a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  2. Push-ups: This exercise targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It can be performed using just bodyweight.
  3. Pull-ups: This exercise targets the back, shoulders, and biceps. It can be performed using a pull-up bar.
  4. Deadlifts: This exercise targets the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. It can be performed using a dumbbells.
  5. Lunges: This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It can be performed using a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  6. Burpees: This exercise targets the chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and legs. It can be performed using just bodyweight.
  7. Planks: This exercise targets the core, shoulders, and back. It can be performed using just bodyweight.
  8. Rowing: This exercise targets the back, shoulders, arms, and legs. It can be performed using a rowing machine.
Upper Body Exercises
  1. Push-ups: This exercise targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. It can be performe using just bodyweight.
  2. Pull-ups: This exercise targets the back, shoulders, and biceps. It can be performe using a pull-up bar.
  3. Pull-downs: This exercise targets the back, shoulders and biceps. It can be performe using a weightlifting machine.
  4. Dumbbell rows: This exercise targets the back and biceps. It can be performe using dumbbells.
  5. Shoulder press: This exercise targets the shoulders and triceps. It can be performed using a barbell, dumbbells or weightlifting machine.
  6. Bicep curls: This exercise targets the biceps. It can be performe using a barbell, dumbbells or weightlifting machine.
  7. Tricep dips: This exercise targets the triceps. It can be performe using parallel bars or a weightlifting machine.
  8. Barbell curl: This exercise targets the biceps and forearms. It can be performe using a barbell.
Lower Body Exercises 
  1. Squats: This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It can be performed using a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  2. Deadlifts: This exercise targets the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. It can be performed using a barbell.
  3. Lunges: This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It can be performed using a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  4. Leg press: This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It can be performed using a weightlifting machine.
  5. Leg extension: This exercise targets the quadriceps. It can be performed using a weightlifting machine.
  6. Leg curl: This exercise targets the hamstrings. It can be performed using a weightlifting machine.
  7. Calf raises: This exercise targets the calf muscles. It can be performe using a weightlifting machine or just bodyweight.
  8. Step-ups: This exercise targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It can be performe using a step or bench and a dumbbell or barbell.

As a result, it’s important to note that when performing lower-body exercises, it’s important to use proper form and to gradually increase the weight or resistance to avoid injury. And also it’s good to combine cardio exercises and stretching in a lower-body workout to get the best results.

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